other work by chiarascuro

Here are a few of my projects on Cardano and Tezos.

Love Machine PFP 03 (Cardano) by chiarascuro

Love Machine

Cardano, Tezos

An ongoing collection of visual stories, PFPs, and other formats in the works.

Through characters and story-telling, Love and his friends will teach blockchain beginners about decentralization, the basics of blockchain technology, and how to navigate Web3.

Il tuo vino รจ dolce, from the 'aperitivi' NFT collection (Tezos) by chiarascuro



An experiment in using art to aid in language acquisition. Abstract text art made in watercolor and acrylics on paper. English and Italian, mostly from Duolingo lessons, are painted in.

I gave most of the paintings away, but cleaned up and manipulated the photos.

HTML NFT (square)

web page NFTs


Fully responsive web-based NFTs (like this one) written in HTML and CSS using the W3.CSS framework.

I want to explore the possibilities of this format for NFT photo albums, portfolio pages, web publications, articles, illustrated stories, or anything else that can be published as an HTML document.

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